Saturday, April 25, 2009

My friend in Federal Prison

Wow, I never thought I'd have a friend in a federal prison. Isn't that where hardened criminals live? Apparently not because my friend is a 63 yeard old nun who was trying to get the School of the Americas closed. Why? Because this is the American school where men were trained in military action and then went out to rape, torture, and murder four women, one, Sr. Dorothy Kazel, a dear friend of the nun now in prison. I imagine if this happened to someone I loved, I'd be in prison, too. My crime probably wouldn't be trespassing but something far darker. I pray I never need to go down that road. My friend, Diane is a gentle soul but with the courage of a lion. My prayers are with her until she gets released, and thereafter. Peace needs to return to the heart of humanity.

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