Monday, September 2, 2013

The past eight months have had its ups and downs. I have mostly been trying to hold it all together. I find I not only deal with my sadness but then I realize I am facing the sadness of others who I love. I guess we will never understand the whys and whens of life and death but I do know life goes on and we have to face each new day. The way we face those days depend on us. In May my life again changed forever. But this time it was in a good way. May is the month that brought me my new grandson. What a thrill! What an angel!! Life again is beautiful. Although my sister will never leave my heart or my thoughts, I can now share a sweet little man with her.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Life without Dani...

One week ago today, my sister was killed in a car accident. Dani was 48 and my baby sister as I am 12 years older than she. For 12 years it was just my mom and me. Then all of a sudden, this little person was in our lives making me share my mom. Instantly I fell in love with her and was happy to be her big sister. Yesterday was the most beautiful funeral I have ever attended. The church was packed with people who truly loved her. She had a way of working herself into your life and your heart. This is the start of my journey living without my Danistar as I use to call her as a child.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Spring break

Today was the first day of my spring break. It has been amazing. The weather was beautiful - sunny and in the 70s. Usually the last 2 weeks of March brings cold and gloomy weather. I am so blessed. I wanted to put a fence in my yard so I had a guy come today to give me an estimate. Wow, it's a little expensive for me right now. I wanted the fence to enclose some raised beds to grow veggies and herbs. Now I have to debate what to do next. No worries, no problems. All will be well.

Also, I have been having so much fun with the app Draw Something. Thanks to my kids for entertaining me.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Joyful, joyful...

I never tire of watching the final state music competition rendition of the song "Joyful, joyful, we adore thee," in the movie Sister Act II. It truly makes my heart burst when people step outside of their comfort zone to do something amazing. Fear is the great intimidator which keeps us in our little enclosed box.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Isn't it ironic?

In the news ... Economic times appear so bad for many people however, a pizza store owner needs 50 workers for his chain of restaurants and no one is applying. Hey, to feed my family I have done worse jobs.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

In appreciation

Thank you to people who help us get what we want in life, even when we are afraid.